It’s like a gym membership but for your face!

Are you ready to make a commitment to great skin? Your best skin ever starts here.

Netflix. Spotify. Neon. Les Mills. The only part of your life that doesn’t have a membership is your face. (Well, until now...)

At Harmony Skin, Beauty & Spa we believe the key to beautiful skin is consistency. Indulging in regular monthly treatments to enhance your results, target your skin concerns and enjoy healthy, glowing skin all year round, is the key!

That’s why we have created our Skin Memberships – so you can enjoy regular, customised treatments to create a lifelong skin transformation. It’s a no-brainer: Instead of booking a facial a few times a year to tackle a skin freak-out, getting regular “tune-ups” can help keep your skin consistently flawless, sans filters!

Woman having a skin treatment facial at Harmony Skin Beauty Spa
Woman with glowing skin after a skin treatment facial at harmony

Why do I need a Skin Membership?

These days, we are constantly bombarded with quick fixes that promise instant, flawless skin. But unfortunately, many of these skin solutions offer a one-size-fits-all approach, and they don’t take the time to tailor to your individual skin goals and concerns.

With a Harmony PT Skin Membership, you will experience a comprehensive, personalised facial tailored to your wants and your skin’s needs. You can choose between a 6-month or 12-month membership which includes a facial each month plus a discount on all skincare!

Why is it essential to get a facial every month?

Just like any part of your skincare regimen, facials are best when they’re done consistently and regularly. Our skin cells renew themselves every 28 to 35 days (slower as you get older).

With all the congestion and pollution your skin experiences every month, you want to ensure you give it a good deep cleanse to help bring new skin cells to the surface and keep your skin healthy.

Advanced skin treatments at Harmony Spa

There are numerous benefits of monthly facials, both external and internal…

Facials are extremely targeted to relieve, improve and most importantly prevent common skin concerns such as discolouration, acne, inflammation and redness.

Monthly facials can also improve your skin’s barrier and maintain the results from other procedures, ensuring that your skin will be healthy for years to come.

Most people only invest in facials as a special treat however just like visiting a dentist or personal trainer once a year, it’s so important to make that skin-vestment.

Memberships make it easier for you to begin incorporating these options into your monthly routine and stay on track with a skincare schedule. 

Think of it as the difference between having your car washed, and it being groomed. Over time, those professional treatments will make a difference!

Woman having a HydraFacial at Harmony Skin Beauty & Spa

We have also made it super affordable and convenient to maintain your skin’s health!

Join our skin membership program to save money on facials and make them a priority in your life…because once in a blue moon isn't enough to reach your skin goals!


The powerhouse ingredients you need in your skincare routine.


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